jueves, 31 de enero de 2013

Homework. An American in Uganda

1. What different points of view do we see in this story?

Well, we can notice that there are two different points of view. In which, one is the black man's point of view, because in his culture people always work hard to get money to at least have the basic necessities for a family. The other, is white man's point of view; he's accustomed to have it all, he doesn't pass any necessities and doesn't has to work all day different from black man. 
Those men see the world in a totally different way, there're many differences between they both, the black one, works to get his food, to don't make his family pass necessities and to give them the best like all parents want to their family; the white one, thinks that the black man bother him while doing his work, thinks that the black interrupt he just by being here doing what he have to do to bring food to his family, but it doesn't matter to the white man, he just thinks in himself and in drink his coffee. 
This story show us how is the world actually, how selfish and neglected we can be, even with the people we daily see, share moments, places and also talk with them. So many times we only think in ourselves, and complain about the things we don't have, but rarely we be grateful for what we already have, just simple things; like food, home, parents, family, love, friends, school, among many other things. 

2. Explain the reasons behind the miscommunication that occurred between these two men.

The principal reason those two men don't understood each other is that they both "don't speak the same language", I mean, the black one just wanted to help and the white man thinks he is bothering and making noise purposely, they don't talk clearly to the other, they just do the things without thinking in the way the other maybe be thinking; just prefer not to talk because it maybe could bother the other one, they doesn't do the same type of work, they doesn't share the same cultures or beings, they just can't understand the other cause there's a lack of communication and the situation can be resolved by talking, obviously without being rude, and tell each other what they dislike and maybe the black man explain that he just was working without any intention of bother the white man.

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